Let's go on a tour....
1). The Breakfast Room.
I want a blue and white kitchen. Chris does not want a blue and white kitchen. Our breakfast room has ugly bluish/tan wallpaper. We got a beautiful blue and white plate as a wedding gift, and it's found a home in our breakfast room. Two weeks ago I bought the white milk glass vase (on the left shelf) at a garage sale for $0.50. I bought some shelves at a garage sale this past weekend and started painting those white. Sadly, they were not wide enough for the vase and teapot to sit on. So, Chris went to work building the shelves you see in the picture.
I purchased the "Simplify" sign and wooden "C" at Hobby Lobby last weekend for less than $5 combined. The teapot I bought at Old Time Pottery for $12.99 (a little bit of a splurge). The pitcher was one of Chris' grandmothers and the spools were his grandmothers. Now, I have a blue and white area in our house!
2). Living Room, Exhibit A
These shelves were the ones that were supposed to be in the kitchen. Chris painted them green (the same green as the frame in previous post). The little plaques were a Christmas gift (thanks, Liz!) and the figurine was our cake topper at our wedding.
3). Living Room, Exhibit B
My parents are remodeling the living room and dining room in their house. These windows came from their house. They didn't have the slat/grill/trim things in them when we brought them home. Chris put those in and painted the whole window sage green (same as shelves and frame). We bought scrapbooking paper at Micheal's, cut them to size, and taped them to the glass.
Here's a close-up of one of them. I love how they turned out!
3). Living Room, Exhibit C
This wall just had the mirror on it before. The sconce was hanging where the green shelves now are. The other wall hanging is just a framed piece of scrapbook paper. We had the frame already. This is the more masculine addition to the room!
Here's a view of all three of the exhibits together.
Thank you to my fantastic husband, Chris, for all your help on these projects and for letting me make so many changes to our house!