We love the Christmas season at our house! We usually put up our tree and decorations Thanksgiving day or the day after. However, since I was visiting my family in Illinois, it had to wait an extra week.
Here's a Christmas tour....

We usually do red, green, and gold on our tree. This year we decided to just do red and gold. I love how it looks!

The next two are shelves that are over the couch.

Our Dickens village on top of the TV.

This is the opening between the living room and kitchen/dining area.

Since the kitchen and dining area are decorated in blue and white, we decided to stray from the red and gold theme in here.

I made this wreath from cheap ornaments I found at Dollar Tree and Target. I really like how it turned out!

A closer look at the top of the hutch. The white blob on the left is my attempt at making a coffee filter tree. I think it's kind of cute in its own unique way.

I made another ornament wreath to hang in the laundry room. I used red glass ornaments that I bought at Wal-mart after Christmas last year for $0.25 a box! I added the aqua ribbon to fit in the with laundry room colors.

I made this swag to put over our bed out of trimmings off the tree.

The door into the house.

This is the ornament wreath in the dining area from the outside. It's hard to see in this picture, but it really sparkles when the lights from the outside hit it. I love it!

Or house from the street.

Peeking in the window at the Christmas tree.