Our garden hasn't done as nearly as well as we had hoped, but we have been able to get a few good pickings out of it. This is the harvest from last Tuesday (6-14).

A few cucumbers, okra, and cherry tomatoes.

Squash - - there was about twice as much already in the refrigerator!

Some of the zucchini were HUGE! I was able to get about 5 cups shredded out of each of the bigger ones.

Mess of green beans

Grandma snapping the beans.

A few of the really long green beans.

Heaping pile of black-eyed peas.

Grandma shelling peas. She couldn't ever remember shelling peas (which she's done all her life) and wasn't sure if she would be able to do it. I showed her how it was done and she got to work on her pile. After she had been working on the peas for a few minutes, I asked her if she was doing alright. "This is the easiest job I've ever had!" she said.

At the end of the day...2 quarts of boiled squash, 10 quarts of shredded zucchini, 10 bags of raw zucchini spears, 2 quarts of green beans, and 1 quart of black-eyed peas. We ate the okra for supper that night.

My first-ever batch of bread and butter pickles! Chris and Grandma gave them the stamp of approval. I don't care for them, so I'm working on some dill pickles as we speak (or write)!