It's started...I've already caught myself saying crazy things to Evelyn. Examples?
"Please get your finger out of my nose."
"There's a blueberry in your ear."
"No, no. You can't chew on Mama's dirty sock."
And my favorite...
"Don't touch the toilet with your carrot."
Yes, I said that to my daughter. She was gnawing on a baby carrot. I had to use the bathroom and I was afraid to leave her alone with the carrot, so I brought her into the bathroom with me. She has discovered the toilet and thought it would be fun to touch it with her carrot. Nasty!
Friday, December 13, 2013
Friday, December 06, 2013
8 Months
Our Sweet Evelyn,
Another month has flown by and you're now 8 months old. Just when I didn't think it was possible, you have become even more of a delight this month. Your personality (and temper) has developed a lot this month. You have matured and grown tremendously. All of this growing has brought a lot of fun, but also some challenges.
The biggest thing that happened this month is that you have mastered crawling. I think it was just a day or two after you turned 7 months that you started crawling. One day you were doing a scooting/sliding action across the living room floor to get to Wesley, and the next you were crawling across the bedroom floor. You have figured out how to get what you want pretty quickly. Last week, you figured out that you can move a lot faster if you get up on your hands and feet. Honestly, you look a little like a gorilla, but it's still cute.
Crawling has brought on the need for discipline. Like a normal child, you are very curious about what is around. For the most part, you are over playing with the lamp cords. Wesley's bowl is still very tempting to you, but it has been better since we moved it. It's neat to watch your little mind work as you figure out that you're not supposed to be doing something. You enjoy following me around the house, but get mad if I don't acknowledge the fact that you worked so hard to crawl from one room to another following me. We enjoy playing a little game in the kitchen where you grab onto my pant leg and I have to get free and run to the other side of the kitchen. You think that's just hilarious.
This past week you have started pulling up to standing more and more. You were doing it here and there before, but now you will crawl right over to the couch and pull yourself up. You also like to pull up on the tile ledge of the bathtub and against the mirror. I've considered spanking you for pulling up because I'm not quite ready for that milestone.
We have been having more fun with food this month. Food is still very much fun and entertainment for you. New things you have tried this month are: peaches, blueberries, black-eye peas, frozen green peas, black beans, mashed potatoes, chicken, turkey, ground beef, honeydew melon, cantaloupe, pumpkin pie (thanks to Daddy), and chocolate pudding (again thanks to Daddy). You love peaches and blueberries in the morning. Frozen peas are a lot of fun to keep you entertained while I'm working in the kitchen. We celebrated your first Thanksgiving this month. You had your own little feast with us at the table. You had turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potato, broccoli, green beans and carrots.
You have started to really like fun, silly songs. Of course, all of the classics are fun (ABC, Twinkle Twinkle, Row Row Row Your Boat, etc). Pat-A-Cake is one of your very favorites. You usually start clapping your hands as soon as we start singing. You also like "I'm a Little Teapot, " complete with the motions. A medley of any of the songs will usually work to keep you happy for a few minutes if you're on the verge of getting upset.
I am very thankful that you are very content to entertain yourself on the floor for quite a while. Since I like to enjoy holding you for naps (and that's about the only way you will sleep for more than 20 minutes), I have to get things done while you are awake. You will usually play with toys, crawl around following me, or chase the dog for 30 minutes to an hour before you get bored. You love to play with balls. You will play fetch with yourself, throwing the ball and crawling to get it. When you get tired of playing by yourself, you are happy to get on my back in the Ergo and ride along while I work.
Your temper has become more apparent this month. You will throw a temper tantrum if you get something taken away from you. We have started disciplining for throwing fits, which happens quite often. It's the most pathetic thing when you stick that poochy lip out. You have also started throwing yourself backward when you're mad. That's a lot of fun...not.
I'm pretty sure you're going to be a talker. You are constantly jabbering, from the moment you wake up until you fall asleep at night. And most of the time it's loud! You have added two new sounds this month: "na-na-na" and "mmmm." We're still trying to figure out if "na-na-na" is "no" or "Mama." You certainly hear both a lot. You say "mmmm" when you're eating something especially tasty.
You are such a happy baby. For the most part, you really are easy to entertain, you just need to be busy all the time! You can sleep for 30 seconds and be awake and happy for 2 or 3 hours. It's crazy. You love to laugh and smile. You are ticklish under your chin, but only when I pretend to "eat you." You are also ticklish on the chubby part of your thighs and booty. A good squeeze there can get big, belly laughs out of you.
You and Daddy love to play and be rough together. You love when he tosses you high in the air. It makes you squeal with delight. You also love when he puts you on his shoulders. You just smile and pull his hair. Daddy and I love to just sit and watch you play or play with you. You have become a lot of fun. We love throwing the ball and watching you crawl to get it, getting you to "talk" to us, playing peek-a-boo, or letting you crawl all over us on the floor.
You're a delight and pure sunshine. I love having you crawl around at my feet. I love when you want to cuddle after you've been spanked. I love when you come crawling toward me with your mouth open for a kiss. I love you, sweet girl, even when I've had to correct you for the fifth time in three minutes.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
A Crawling, Curious Baby and Other Random Thoughts
We have a crawling baby in the house now (well, we have had for about 3 weeks). It brings with it a whole new level of parenting. The disciplining and training have begun. Our curious little girl is into everything! Her favorites are the dog's bowl and the wireless router on the bottom of the end table. She was interested in lamp cords, but a few firm spankings on the hand have quenched her desire to play with those. The hand spankings (hand slapping sounds so....cruel) have slowed her down when going for the dog's bowl, but she's still a little interested. She now stops and considers for a moment before reaching for it. She does occassionally change her mind and crawl on to something else.
In addition to the crawling, Evelyn is also starting to pull herself up some. Again, she has favorite spots to practice this skill. She scares me most when she pulls up on the tiled ledge of the bathtub. The whole time I'm hurrying to move her, I have flashes of her slipping and busting her head.
In other (not baby related) news, we are preparing for the holiday season. 95% of the Christmas shopping is done. We are gearing up to decorate next week and looking forward to starting new traditions. My mind is turning of fun, family traditions we want to start with Evelyn. I'm looking forward to reading Chriistmas/winter books, Christmas pajamas, pictures in front of the Christmas tree, looking at Christmas lights, evenings in front of the fire (probably with the a/c turned up full blast), and making ornaments. Chris and I have always loved the holidays, and it's just so much more fun with a little one.
Let's not forget Thansgiving next week. I've enjoyed the season of reading "thankful" posts on Facebook and even contributing a few of my own. While it's always nice to pay special attention to our many blessings this time of year, I long to be better at maintaining such a thankful attitude throughout the year.
One last thought...I typed this post on our new iPad (family Christmas present). It's quite nifty. I'm not sure how to edit and do spell-check, so forgive me if there are many errors. :)
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Tuesday, November 05, 2013
Why I Love ALDI
I know I've shared my love for ALDI here on the blog before, but I just have to sing their praise today. There has been a coupon floating around Facebook for $10 off a $40 purchase at ALDI. When I first saw it, I was bummed that it was marked only for use in a few northern states. I also thought it was odd, because I had heard that ALDI does not accept coupons. Well, late last week, I saw the coupon again. This time it was marked "accepted at ALL ALDI locations." I printed it off and thought I would give it a shot when I next did my grocery shopping.
That brings us to yesterday. I had my list and my coupon in hand as I headed to the store. I carefully added up my purchases in my head to be sure I would hit the $40 mark (which I knew I probably would). When I got up to the check out, my heart was racing. "What if they don't take it?" "What if there is some question about it? "Will I be bold enough to push it or will I just move on?"
Sure enough, I presented the coupon and the checker didn't know what to do with it. She called out the manager who told me they weren't taking the coupon. I questioned him, since it clearly says, "accepted at ALL ALDI locations." He explained that it was a problem they were informed about in which someone got ahold of the original coupon (only accepted in the northern states) and doctored it and was publishing it. I was bummed, but also understood. He asked to make a copy of the coupon to use for reference, but I just let him keep it since I wouldn't be needing it.
Well, as I was loading up my groceries in the car and returning my cart, I hear someone shouting "Ma'am, ma'am" and see the manager waving toward me. I go up to the door and he tells me that he is going to accept my coupon after all. He brought me in and gave me $10 back. He kept apologizing to me, but I kept telling him he didn't need to apologize. I was thankful for him wanting to please his costumer. I am a faithful shopper and tell everyone I know how much I love that store. I will continue to make my Monday afternoon appearance with gladness.
That brings us to yesterday. I had my list and my coupon in hand as I headed to the store. I carefully added up my purchases in my head to be sure I would hit the $40 mark (which I knew I probably would). When I got up to the check out, my heart was racing. "What if they don't take it?" "What if there is some question about it? "Will I be bold enough to push it or will I just move on?"
Sure enough, I presented the coupon and the checker didn't know what to do with it. She called out the manager who told me they weren't taking the coupon. I questioned him, since it clearly says, "accepted at ALL ALDI locations." He explained that it was a problem they were informed about in which someone got ahold of the original coupon (only accepted in the northern states) and doctored it and was publishing it. I was bummed, but also understood. He asked to make a copy of the coupon to use for reference, but I just let him keep it since I wouldn't be needing it.
Well, as I was loading up my groceries in the car and returning my cart, I hear someone shouting "Ma'am, ma'am" and see the manager waving toward me. I go up to the door and he tells me that he is going to accept my coupon after all. He brought me in and gave me $10 back. He kept apologizing to me, but I kept telling him he didn't need to apologize. I was thankful for him wanting to please his costumer. I am a faithful shopper and tell everyone I know how much I love that store. I will continue to make my Monday afternoon appearance with gladness.
Sunday, November 03, 2013
7 Months
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Weight: 18 lbs 13 oz (Oct. 28) Height: 26 3/4 inches |
Another month already? Time is just zooming by! You're now closer to being one than you are to being a newborn. I'm not sure how I feel about that. While every day just gets better and better, it makes part of me a little sad that you're growing and becoming more independent.
We've had a fun month of playing, exploring, and learning. You are picking up new tricks all the time and never cease to amaze me at what you can figure out. I'm pretty sure you have figured out that you can control your Mama and Daddy pretty easily. Just give us one of your big, sweet grins and you'll get anything. Or scream at the top of your lungs and we'll do anything to get you to stop. :)
As with each month, this month has brought some firsts for you. You went to your first pumpkin patch and on your first hay ride. Despite it being ridiculously hot that day, you were such a trooper. You also experienced your first time at the park. The weather has been so nice the past two weeks and we're spending more time outside. You love the swing! You smiled and kicked your legs like crazy the whole time. You also got to experience grass for the first time this month. You kept picking your feet up at first, but soon started kicking around in the grass. I was a paranoid Mama the whole time, but it didn't do me much good. You still ended up with bug bites all over your hands and feet.
You still haven't figured out crawling yet. You can get up on all fours easily and rock so fast that I think you're going to take off sometimes. It looks as if you're ready to just crawl across the room at any moment, but you haven't quite figured out the movements. You can wiggle around in a circle or go backward, but not forward. This month you have mastered going from all-fours back to sitting really well.
Your Daddy thinks you're going to skip crawling and go right to walking. You pull yourself up to standing by grabbing the sides of the bathtub. I think you've figured out you're not supposed to do it, because you always look at me with a little smirk. This week you've also been able to pull up against my leg if I'm standing next to you or playing on the floor with you. You can easily pull yourself up if we're holding your hands, but you haven't tried it in the crib or against furniture.
One of my favorite parts of this month has been that you wake up jabbering most mornings. It doesn't take long after your eyes pop open that you are just jabbering away. And you're loud too! Almost every morning, Daddy rolls over and says, "You're loud, kid." When he rolls back away from you, you reach for him and say "da-da-da-da." I realize it's mostly just babbling noise, but I think you're figuring out that "da-da" has a meaning. I try to emphasize, "Yes, Daddy" when you say it to encourage you to put the meaning with it. You and I also have a game that you think is so fun. When you're saying "da-da-da," I will say, "no da-da-da. Ma-ma-ma." You just smile and keep saying "da-da-da." Anyway, while Mama and Daddy are trying to wake up, you love to wallow around in the bed. You try to climb all over us, play with some toys, or hit us in the face. It's fun to just spend a few minutes together before we get going with the day.
We have been playing around with food more this month. You have tried avocado, broccoli, squash, green beans, carrots, sweet potato, and zucchini. Your favorites have been broccoli and zucchini. You mostly play with everything or suck on it to get the taste. You're not a fan of actually swallowing much, but it's getting better. You sure do know how to make a mess though! You've continued to practice with a sippy cup and also a straw.
Your strong personality is showing more and more each day. You are silly and laugh a lot, but you also are quick to let us know when you don't like something. You are pretty much either happy and playing, or fussing about something. I wouldn't say you are a laid-back child. You are a thrill-seeker and love to throw yourself upside-down or be tossed in the air. You love to jabber and do so loudly. I have a feeling you're going to be a loud talker. You have started to try mimicking sounds and actions. I've been working on some sign language with you this month. We've also been working on clapping and waving. You will clap your hands together, but not on command or with any reason.
More than the big firsts and memorable moments, I want to remember the simple joys of the day to day life. I want to remember the way you've started turning toward me with a big open mouth and love to kiss. I want to remember the way you smile and giggle when I put our foreheads together and rub noses. I want to remember the way your eyes roll back when you nurse. I want to remember the way you've started sucking in air, kicking your legs, and laughing when you see Wesley run by. I want to remember the way you get fussy when Daddy tries to kiss you when he needs to shave. I want to remember the way you can reach and find the tiniest strand of hair hanging down from my pony tail and pull hard. I want to remember the way you've started patting me on the back when I pick you up.
I love watching you grow and learn. Sometimes I like to just sit and watch you stare at something. I wonder what you're thinking in those moments. I can definitely tell you're soaking up your surroundings. Our days together are precious. I often wish I could just capture snapshots of sweet, fun, and cute moments to share with the world. But then I often want to just keep those moments to myself. It's a blessing and privilege to be the one to stay home with you every day. I am honored to be the one to experience your first memories. I wonder what the next month will bring.

Monday, October 07, 2013
6 Months
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Weight: 17 lbs 14 oz, 79th percentile Height: 26 1/2 inches: 73rd percentile Head: 16 1/2 |
My Girl,
You're six months old now and just as precious as ever. This has been such a fun month, yet one that has made my head spin. You are learning and growing faster than I can process. It seems like you are learning something new every time I turn around.
You have become a pro at rolling now. You can flip from your back to your front quite easily and do so often. It's a little more uncommon for you to go from back to front, but you can. You are much happier being on the floor now that you have figured out you can choose if you want to be on your back or tummy. When you are on your tummy, you are constantly tapping your left foot on the floor. It's rather cute.
It's amazing to think that just 4 months ago I was fighting with you to do 5 minutes of tummy time and worried about your torticollis. This month you have learned to get up on all fours and rock back and forth. You put your head down and it's obvious you are trying to figure out how to crawl. You can scoot backwards, but haven't figured out the forward motion yet. I'm not in any hurry for you to figure it out. I know that once you start crawling you are going to be into EVERYTHING! You also like to try to get into a sitting position from all fours. It usually results in you falling on your face. You're a tough little thing though and don't put up much of a fuss. You continue to scoot around on your back quite well.
Up on all fours |
This is what happens when you can only go backward |
You have also mastered sitting unassisted this month. It's so nice to put you down with a few toys and let you play while I take care of something else. Mum bought a new toy for you to play with on the floor and you do a great job sitting and playing with it. You still occasionally fall backward or tip over if you're reaching for something. You are trying to sit yourself up from lying down, but you can mainly get your head and shoulders up and get frustrated.
We have reached the fun stage of you grabbing at everything! When I hold you, your hands are constantly going for my glasses or necklace. Your stretch arms can reach things I would never imagine you can reach. It has become difficult to hold you on my lap while I eat, because you are swiping at the plate, throwing my napkin down, trying to grab my drink, or sticking your hand in my plate.
Trying an apple |
Your personality is really coming out now. You are such a happy, social baby with a strong will. You jabber and "sing" all day. Sometimes I catch you staring at me and you will smile at me with one glance. You love to play pat-a-cake and sing silly songs. The jumper is still one of your favorite activities and now you enjoy playing with your new ball-popping toy from Mum. You like to mock your Daddy when he makes noise at you. It's fun to think that in just a few months those babbling sounds will turn into words. I know you have a lot to share!
You have learned that your mouth can do all kinds of fun things. You like to blow spit bubbles, stick your tongue out and suck on it, and try to give kisses. You're not very consistent with the kisses, but if I make kissing sounds and say "give me a kiss," you will often open up and attack my face. It's sweet and slobbery.
See my tongue? |
Another delightful month has come and gone. Another month full of smiles and giggles. Another month full of sweet kisses and warm snuggles. Another month of joyful days. I love you to the moon and back. Keep growing, sweet baby!
Eating paper is a favorite hobby |
- Sitting in shopping cart
- Paying more attention to Wesley and pulling his hair
- Sleeping in crib for part of the night and co-sleeping the rest of the night
- Transferring objects from hand to hand
- Reaching for toys and working to get toys out of reach
- Got a second tooth on the bottom
- Playing with and using a sippy cup (usually with a little water, sometimes pumped milk)
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
I've decided that Wal-Mart's slogan should be, "where you won't believe your eyes." Because that's how I feel every time I go in there. I really shouldn't be all that surprised by what I encounter there, but I am each time. Today the cashier noticed Evelyn sucking on her thumb (which she rarely does) and went on and on about how it's better for babies to use a pacifier than their thumb. She was carrying on about her daughter who has a 1 month old and won't let her have a pacifier because she read it wasn't good for babies. I just smiled at her, loaded my cart, took my receipt and told her to have a nice day.
Speaking of shopping, Evelyn got to sit up in the card for the first time yesterday. Typically, I wear her in my wrap when I shop, which works pretty well. However, she's getting heavier and stretching out the wrap so that I am constantly adjusting it while shopping. We're getting an Ergo carrier soon, which I think will work a lot better.
She liked sitting in the cart alright, but wanted to be held when she got tired. She did throw a fit when I wouldn't let her have my shopping list (the child loves paper). I tried making her happy with the toys from the diaper bag. Ultimately, she was happy when I gave her a plastic produce bag to play with. I got some looks on that one. I wanted to say, "Listen, it's either the plastic bag or she screams. Take your pick."
Speaking of shopping, Evelyn got to sit up in the card for the first time yesterday. Typically, I wear her in my wrap when I shop, which works pretty well. However, she's getting heavier and stretching out the wrap so that I am constantly adjusting it while shopping. We're getting an Ergo carrier soon, which I think will work a lot better.
She liked sitting in the cart alright, but wanted to be held when she got tired. She did throw a fit when I wouldn't let her have my shopping list (the child loves paper). I tried making her happy with the toys from the diaper bag. Ultimately, she was happy when I gave her a plastic produce bag to play with. I got some looks on that one. I wanted to say, "Listen, it's either the plastic bag or she screams. Take your pick."
Tuesday, September 03, 2013
5 Months
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Weight: estimating 17 1/2 pounds |
You can't be 5 months already. It's just not possible. I must admit that I've been a little sad to see you turn 5 months. That means you're just one month away from being half a year old. I'm trying not to blink too much, because I know you will be one before I even know it.
This month has been full of changes. You are growing and changing every day. It's hard for me to keep track of all you're learning, because you are learning something new nearly every day. I thought I took a lot of pictures and videos before, but now it's my only hope for remembering this special time.
We started this month by transitioning you from the car seat stroller to the jogging stroller for walks. You love being able to see out and look around as we walk. You enjoy taking in the sights for about 15 minutes, then carry on with your nap. You look so big, yet so tiny in the stroller.
As I wrote last week, you also transitioned out of your rock n play at night. We've tried the pack n play some, but most nights you end up just sleeping in bed with us. It does make nighttime nursing a lot easier and we love having you close to us. In addition to not sleeping in the rock n play anymore, we also had to wean you off of being swaddled with the Miracle Blanket. We're using a sleep sack now, but you're still adjusting to your arms flailing around and waking you up.
This month you have become too big for your bouncy seat and swing. You sit in your high chair in the kitchen while I'm working or at the table while I'm eating. We also added a new toy...your jumper. Boy do you love that thing! The funny thing is you always fuss when we put you in it, but then as soon as we turn on the music and give you a little starter bounce, you love it! You've figured out how to play with most of the toys on it, even turning the pages on the little book part. You love the jumper so much that you rubbed a little blister on your big toe this week from so much jumping!
You have finally rolled over some this month, though I wouldn't say you've mastered it. You did it 3 times on day and a few other times here and there. Being the little turkey you are, you will get your whole body over except for the arm under you, but then flip back and give up. I'm not in too much of a hurry for you to get it down, because I know that you will be rolling all over the house. I'm satisfied with knowing that you do know how to do it.
Your main mode of independent transportation is scooting on your back. You bend your legs and push off with your feet, inch-worming around on your back. You can go pretty fast and get around quite well. I let you scoot around on the carpet at church last Sunday and you came home with a rug burn. You are constantly scooting off your play mat or blanket on the floor. It makes you very frustrated when you scoot into the corner of your crib and get stuck.
One of the biggest changes this month is that you got a tooth! One little tooth on the bottom. Thankfully, it wasn't too miserable of an experience. I am thankful for your amber necklace to help with the pain. Sleeping has been a bit sporadic and you have been nursing more frequently, but you haven't really been very fussy.
You and I took a trip up to Illinois to meet some more of your family this month. We flew on a big airplane and you did great! I was so proud when we landed in St. Louis and two men behind us were shocked because they didn't realize there was a baby in front of them. You had a great week in Illinois and got thoroughly spoiled. You were able to meet your Great Grandpa and Grandma Corn and spend some time with both of your cousins.
You are a joy and a delight, my girl. Your personality is developing more and more with each day. You love to smile and laugh. Your smile is absolutely contagious. Just this month you have started smiling at everyone you see as we're out and about. You love when your Daddy comes home and gives you kisses. Sometimes you like to play hard to get and turn away from him right as he's going to kiss you. You continue to discover your voice more and more. You jabber up a storm and squeal constantly. This past Sunday you squealed through most of evening services. Your jabbering has started to include some "da-da" sounds. I have been quick to let you know that "ma-ma" is a better sound to make.
There is so much more I could tell you, yet not enough words to say it all. As I tell you countless times a day, I love you, I love you, I love you. You are my sweet girl and my joy. I love spending my days with you and kissing you as much as I want. I will never get tired of feeling your soft skin on my lips and smelling your sweet milky breath.
Other things I want to remember about this month:
- Graduated from infant insert to just sitting in the baby tub (supported)
- Started reaching for and playing with bath toys
- Started playing with/chewing on Sophie the Giraffe
- Reaching for toys out of your reach
- Watching Wesley and smiling/laughing at him
- Can sit up with Boppy pillow behind you
- Love to pull yourself up to standing when we hold your hands
- Started reaching hands up if I go to pick you up
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