A few random thoughts on this lovely Tuesday...
I'm feeling rather productive so far this week. Yesterday I managed to do 4 loads of laundry (all folded and put away too!), run and unload the dishwasher, change the sheets on our bed, make supper, clean up the supper dishes, and work on catching up on my Bible reading. So far today I've made the bed, changed the sheets on the guest beds, washed 2 loads of laundry, sewed my homemade Moby wrap, and worked on catching up on Bible reading.
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Trying out our homemade Moby wrap |
Speaking of the Moby wrap...I had been nervous about sewing the knit material for the wrap, which is mainly why I didn't have it done yet. I bought the material months ago, but couldn't work up the nerve to attempt it. I put my big girl pants on today and got it done! You know what? It wasn't that hard! So far I like using the wrap and Evelyn fell asleep in it in about 3 minutes.
Our sweet Evelyn is growing like a weed! Her newborn clothes are starting to get too tight over her head. I tried a 0-3 month onesie this morning just to see how it fit and it actually fit pretty well! It's exciting to get to the new size and put all the new, cute clothes on her, but she's growing too fast!
Evelyn and Aunt Tasha |
My sister and her boyfriend came for a visit last week. We really enjoyed having them and Evelyn loved snuggling with Aunt Tasha!
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Evelyn's first trip to Disney |
Tasha and Brad wanted to spend a day at Disney while they were here. We debated for days whether we should attempt to take Evelyn or if it was too much. She slept well the night before and was having a good morning, so we decided we would try it. I was prepared to call it quits and come home at any point. One of the things I love about Disney is that they have these nice baby care centers at each park. It's an air conditioned building with a room for nursing, changing tables, bathrooms, a play room for older kids, and baby items to purchase. Evelyn and I spent a lot of time in there. We did ride one ride, walked around some, and ate good food (the most important thing), but I did spend a lot of time in those air conditioned baby centers! 5 nursing sessions, 10+ diaper changes, 2 changes of clothes, and one lost pacifier later, we survived our first trip to Disney! Evelyn did really well, but we were all worn out by the end of the day!
There's something adorable about a baby with a pacifier |
Evelyn wore this dress to church on Sunday. She also wore it her first Sunday to church at 5 days old. It's amazing how much she's grown in just a few weeks! |
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Kinley was so excited to hold "Baby Ed-a-lyn" at church on Sunday |