Chris had an appointment to preach in Florida this past weekend. Since our flight was to leave out of Dallas at 10AM Saturday morning, we decided to spend the Friday enjoying some sites in the city. My husband is so wonderful to take the whole day off work and spend it together. We shopped, ate lunch together, did some sight-seeing, shopped some more, and enjoyed a relaxing night at the hotel.
One of our stops for the day was the Dallas World Aquarium. Not only did it have aquatic animals, but also some animals from the rain forest and other environments. As with most tourist attractions, it was WAY overpriced, but still a good way to spend some time out of the heat. Chris was a good sport to endure it to make me happy!
This pictures is really dark and hard to see, but it's the tiniest monkey I've ever seen. Sadly, I can't remember the name of it. It was adorable though!
Flamingos! They really are gross birds, but I've always liked them.
The jaguar was taking a nap when we stopped by to visit.
Supper anyone? These were some GIANT catfish!
The cute little otters getting fed. Thanks to Priceline, we were able to score an awesome deal on a hotel room. We stayed at the Hilton Anatole in downtown Dallas. What an amazing hotel! We loved walking around the grounds and admiring the beautiful artwork, architecture, and outdoor areas. The hotel had the
Nana Restaurant on the 27th floor. We treated ourselves to a luxurious supper, which was a lot of fun!
Beautiful room!Saturday morning we left for Tampa, FL. I was really excited for this trip and the opportunity to meet
blogging friends in real life! It was also a lot of fun for Chris and I to finally get to fly together. We both fly quite frequently, but we had never flown together. I'm sure he didn't find it as exciting as I did! :)
Our time in Florida was wonderful. We enjoyed great fellowship with the members at Little Union and a good time of worship. I loved meeting everyone and quickly forming new friendships. It is always great to travel to a new place, yet instantly feel like you're at home. That's exactly how I felt this weekend.
I had intended to take a lot of pictures while in Florida, but only have theseof Chris and his buddy, Brady, sporting their matching cowboy hats and boots.

All in all, it was just a great weekend. It's been hard to get back into the swing of things this week. I had a hard time with Chris being at work on Tuesday after spending the last 4 days together. We needed a weekend like that!