Thursday, January 05, 2012

So how about those 2011 goals?

Like most people, I started out 2011 with a list of goals to accomplish throughout the year. The year brought about a few extra surprises, thus I didn't do so well at achieving those goals.

My goals for 2011 were (how I came out on those goals is in red):

  • read the Bible through (using The One-Year Bible published by Tyndale) - - I successfully read through the Bible! As always, it was an enlightening experience. There were times when it was difficult and I got behind a few days, but I managed to finish.
  • eat more fresh fruits and vegetables - - I can now say there are a whole lot of "new" vegetables that I like as of this year! I really like starting my day with a raw spinach, banana, almond milk, and peanut butter smoothie. The produce aisle at the grocery store has become one of my favorite spots! I'm so thankful to be living in an area where produce is easily accessible year-round.
  • send one handwritten note a week (not starting out so well on this one!) - - Well....this was a good thought, but was not carried out so well. I often thought about people I needed to write, but I would let other things get in the way.
  • call my grandparents more often - - I feel like I did pretty well with this. I tried to call one of my grandparents every week. I know I need to do better with this. It is always encouraging and comforting to talk with my grandparents. We live so far out from all of them and usually only get to see them once a year. Making a conscious effort to call regularly helps to stay connected.
  • run 3 miles in under 30 minutes -- I'm not sure that I can say I can consistently run 3 miles in under 30 minutes, but I have done it on several occasions. It is easier for me to run 3 miles than it was at the beginning of last year, but I'm still far from being a "runner."
  • learn to knit -- Nope, didn't even try to learn!
  • read 50 books - - I was 15 books short of my goal! Actually, since I read through the entire Bible, you could say that I read 107 books this year! :)
  • stick to a grocery budget - - HA! I always had a budget in mind for each month and did really well on my big grocery trip at the beginning of the month. But, all those little trips here and there get to us!
  • intentionally save money - - I'm going to say that I half-way accomplished this goal. I was able to save a good chunk of my Christmas/birthday money (from 2010) throughout the year and still haven't spent it! We were fairly diligent about saving for our Disney trip and a few other things, but not nearly as much as I had hoped.


His Mercy Endureth Forever said...

Wow! I'd say you did really well on your goals! And I totally agree with you on the 107 books read! ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm so supersticious so I didn't make any goals, but I did manage to run a half marathon. It wasn't an intentional goal, though. I have two goals this year, to run 2 half marathons and to have more date nights with my husband. :) Good luck to you on your goals this year!

Dani said...

Those in between trips always get us too! haha.