Monday, December 04, 2006

Amazing God

I just returned from having lunch with my good friend, Elise, and I want to share with you how amazing, awesome, and merciful God is. You see, Elise was in a serious head-on collision last Wednesday evening. She was traveling at approximately 60 mph when she was hit by a car also traveling about the same speed. After spinning around several times and hitting another car, Elise landed in a ditch on the side of the road. When the ambulance arrived on the scene they had to cut her out of her car and rush her to the emergency room.

Here's where I tell you how amazing God is. Elise survived the accident with only minor injuries. Her left leg is swollen, she has staples in her knee, and several bruises on her body. When I visited with her today, she showed me pictures of her car. The roof was torn off, the front was mangled beyond recognition, and glass was shattered all over. The hole that Elise occupied didn't look big enough to contain even a small child. The deflated air bag was resting against the back of the seat. How Elise survived the accident with only minor injuries is beyond my understanding. The only answer I can give is that God was completely protecting her that night. He had his loving embrace around her and, by His grace, she is alive today.

I am thankful that I serve such an incredible God. I am thankful for friends, like Elise, who continuously praise His name. In the several times I've spoken with her since the accident, Elise never fails to give glory to God, for by His grace she is alive and well today.

Psalm 107:1 "O give thanks unto the LORD, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;"


Anonymous said...

I would love to speak to Elise. During my last accident, I remember having the realization that I could not gain control of my car... and immediately started praying. I knew I was heading toward a huge pole, but God guided my car to miss it (spinning and all.) I was amazed at the outcome, and I am often reminded that my accident is an accurate symbol of God's intervention in my life. I'd always be spinning out of control if it were not for His guiding hand. I'm thankful you have a great friend in Elise, and I'm thankful that she is doing well after such a scary event. Praise the Lord!

Anonymous said...

Praise GOD! I am so glad to hear that she's doing well!

My one and only accident, a motorcycle accident, I remember landing on my head (my first time wearing a helmet in Missouri). While disorientated and laying helpless on the ground on my back (ramp off of hwy 44) with the wind knocked out of me, I watched a big Mac truck come closer to me (it was almost dark) I prayed hard and watched this truck come to a stop and put flares on the road. I remember thanking GOD over and over and over again...

I remember not wanting to die yet, and I am glad he spared me so that I could get married soon after and have my children.

There was a reason for him wanting to stick around...

Anonymous said...

There was a reason for Him wanting me to stick around...