As the weather here in Texas started to get cooler a few weeks ago, I started fallifying the house. Yes, I made that word up. The official definition is: "to decorate, adorn, or embellish with fall related items." I made that definition up too.
Anyway, when I decorate, I like for it to be a process. I don't want it all to be done in one day. So, I've added a little here and there. I still have a couple of projects that I hope to complete in the next couple of weeks. But for now, I will show you the little touches of fall in our house.

Let's start on the outside. This is the main door we use. The silver bucket was a gift from a wedding I was in earlier this summer. I found the flowers at Dollar Tree. The "welcome" sign was something I bought on clearance last year at Kohl's. I made the wreath on the door with scraps and a $1 wreath from Dollar Tree.

Here's a closer look at the wreath.

Now, inside the house, this is the entry table close to the door.

Here's a close up look at a few of the
toilet paper pumpkins I made. This was such a fun, easy, and cheap project! I made a total of 7 of them for less than $5.

This is above the couch. You may recognize the window art from
this post. I made this wreath with another $1 wreath from Dollar Tree and scraps from the pumpkins. The colors clash a little bit, but I like the way it looks.

This is the top of the TV. After I took this picture, I decided the jars were too much up there, so I moved them. You can see a few more of the pumpkins I made. The jars have acorns, gourds, pears, and the
paper balls.

Here's a closer look at those jars. I made them by taking a canning jar and wrapping a wire hanger around the top and bending it to make a handle. I have dried split peas, tea lights, and cinnamon sticks in them. I know the colors are more for Christmas, but I wanted the smell of cinnamon and I like the color of the peas.

Moving on into the kitchen. This is a little corner shelf by the table. The bottom shelf is empty because I put the flower arrangement from the table on it while we eat.

This is the flower arrangement on the table. I think I got the bucket at a garage sale last summer and the flowers from Michael's last year.

Our china hutch/pie safe in the dining area. I love this hutch. As you can see, it's really old. Chris got it from a co-worker who was going to throw it away.

The basket, truck, blue bowl, and pitcher are always up there. I added the leaves, brown metal wall hanging that I got on clearance at Cato for $2.50, gourds, and reed diffuser.
And that's our house fallified. Thanks for going on the tour.
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